Thursday, 4 July 2013

D Ed

Director, SCERT Haryana, Sohna Road, Opposite Panchayat Bhawan, Gurgaon 
Admission Notice for D.Ed/ D.Ed. (Urdu) 
Online applications for admission to Diploma in Education (D.Ed.) /D.Ed (Urdu) 
course 2013-15 are invited from the residents of State of Haryana only, after paying 
registration and counselling fee of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only for General and Rs. 275 
(Rs. Two hundred seventy five) for SC & BC and differently abled category candidate as per 
following schedule. The payment can be made by three different modes i.e. through online 
banking, debit/credit card and any branch of State Bank of India through computer 
generated deposit slip:- 
No Programme From To 
Online Registration , Payment of Fees , Filling of Application Form 
1 Online Registration, Payment of Fees & Application Form filling
for Payment Mode Other Than SBI Challan 05-Jul-13 15-Jul-13 
2 Online Registration, Payment of Fees & Application Form filling
For SBI Challan Mode 05-Jul-13 11-Jul-13 
3 Schedule for Fee Acceptance at SBI Bank, through Computer 
Generated Challan OR Online Payment Gateway 05-Jul-13 12-Jul-13 
4 Schedule for the Candidates who paid the fees at SBI Bank, till
dated 15-Jul-13, can Fill the remaining Online Application Form. 
First Round - Allocation & Admission 
5 Publishing Institute wise list of allotted candidates on website. 18-Jul-13 at 3:00 PM 
6 Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally 
Admitted in Candidates Login 
at 3:00 PM
till 3:00PM 

Provisionally Admitted students, Report to concerned Institute 
and finalize the Admission process. Institutes will update the 
admissions online from their login 
at 3:00 PM
till 3:30PM
Second Round - Allocation & Admission 
8 Second round of filling or edit the option/choices by candidates 22-Jul-13 24-Jul-13 
9 Publishing Institute wise list of allotted candidates on website. 26-Jul-13 at 3:00 P.M. 
10 Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally 
Admitted in Candidates Login 
at 3:00 PM 31-Jul-13 
Provisionally Admitted students, Report to concerned Institute 
and finalize the Admission process. Institutes will update the 
admissions online from their login 
at 3:00 PM 01-Aug-13
To facilitate the candidates, SCERT Haryana, Gurgaon has also created 
facilitation centres in all DIETs, GETTIs, 122 selected Govt. schools and in all SelfFinancing Institutes running D.Ed. course to extent help in filling up the online 
format. The list of such centres is available on the web site
Candidates can also apply by visiting the web portal